Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Hateration Fuels Your Fire But You Decide Which Fire

There are many things in the world that can be used for tremendous good or evil equally. Take Chemistry for instance- with the right mix lives can be saved, while through another just as many can be destroyed. Geometry and physics can be applied to build or demolish spectacular structures. Hateration is another force that is dually powerful. It can fuel your way to success or fuel the fires of negativity incinerate your dreams.

Hateration takes the form and strength that the individual allows it to. If you decide to give in and let it win, it will take over. It can consume you and lead you to spend so much time worrying about the negatives and not enough working toward positives. It can lead you to be so blinded by obstacles that you can’t see the solutions that stare in your face. But most of all if it is allowed to, Hateration can cause you to please your haters and prove them right, by doing what they wanted you to do and failing where they predicted you would.

Hateration is like fuel that is being added to the fire. If the fire burning within you is that of doubt and discouragement, then that it will magnify them. But if you are burning with a passion for success, a strong commitment to achieve your goals, adding fuel to that fire can propel you to the next level. The criticisms of others will make you work that much harder. For every person who said you cannot do what you set out to, you will work a few more hours to make sure that you do. Each time you hear that it’s impossible you will do more research to discover how it is possible. When you use the discouragement of others as a reminder of your pioneering potential, you can’t help but push further.

In this case, hateration would be the fuel that moves you further. It’s not that you could not get there without, but since it’s there, instead of wasting your energy working to remove it, you use the energy that it can provide you. It is a great tool for those who know how to harness its energy.

The power of hateration is in what it leads you to do, and every time you use it to move closer to your goals- YOU WIN. There is saying that “behind every successful person there is a group of haters”. We hope that is not true, but is it is something that only the haters change. An individual working towards goals cannot afford the time that it takes to appease this group. That time is much better spent garnering more supporters through good work and dedication to your goals and the things that really matter.

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


empowerment, Uplifts

    2 comments already | Leave your own comment

  1. 9/23/2012 | 03:54 Permalink

    My life is anything but the DREAM life…you know you were meant to live. Lack of purpose leaves you in the ditch, day by day, you go through the motions but have no passion, no excitement and no adventure.

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    • 9/23/2012 | 20:18 Permalink

      Hi Carol,
      I’m sorry you are experiencing this lack of direction and difficulties with life. Sometimes you just need to start with one thing and you will see that everything else will fall into place to keep up with the forward progress that you are making in that one area. I strongly recommend finding an area of your life that you can address most easily and let the momentum from that success push you to do more. Take some time to really think through what standards you are comparing your life to and see how you want those reflected in your own life. If you need to please seek the assistance of a professional because their objective outlook can help you find your answers.
      Best Wishes… DrJudiC

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