Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

A 9/12 Challenge to America

 Yesterday was September 11, 2011. One can hardly believe that it has been ten years since that dreadful day which started out so beautifully. Yes I remember that day; what I thought; how I felt; who I was with. Every little detail continues to stay with me.

I also remember the days after. The country came together. We were all part of one American family. Remember that commercial? “I’m an American!” What did that really mean? Ten Years ago we, as nation were brought to our knees. Whether to seek cover, wail in agony or pray, we came to our knees. Today as people wave signs and banners saying “We Remember” or “We Will Never Forget” it is obvious how much has been forgotten. The feeling of togetherness that Americans once shared is a distant memory. That neighborly feeling has gone away leaving in its place distrust and cattiness. Ten years of a “War on Terror” and Terror is winning. Terrorism breeds fear, hatred and distrust, the kind which we are surrounded by. Instead of working together for common success the focus is placed on working against an opponent. As both parties work to destroy the other the victor is actually an outside third party whose goal was to see the country brought down by the hands of its own citizens. What has happened in Vermont in the past few weeks is a prime example. The supposed leaders of a nation battle each other, pitting the people against sides all the while the people were left to suffer.

On this September day the challenge to all of us as nation is to be the America that we were on September 12, 2001. Be the America where we cared about our neighbors. When our leaders fail to set the example of caring let us be the ones who show them how it’s done. For a brief moment in 2001 we had defeated terrorism by uniting as a nation and not allowing the enemy to divide us as they wanted to. When we woke up on September 12, 2001 there was no racial or class separations. We were Americans. Today there’s not enough glue in the country to put all the subsections back together. We don’t need another 9/11 to remind us that we have enough enemies outside our borders and don’t need anymore amongst ourselves.

Instead of spending thousands erecting memorials honoring some of those who perished on that sad day, let us invest in caring for all the families that were left behind. Memorial ceremonies bring an opportunity for people to come honor those who did not make it. You’ll be hard pressed to find someone who’s dying wish was to have memorial ceremonies in their honor, most people who had time for a final wish wished for their loved ones to be taken care of. If we are to truly honor those who perished on 9/11, we need to start by honoring each other, the ones they left behind. It’s not about waving FDNY/NYPD banners. It’s taking the time to acknowledge local firefighter and police officers in our communities. They did not die on 9/11 they are still here serving our communities. The next time you or your neighbors are running out of a building, they are the ones who will be rushing in.

Remember to take care of each other today and every day. We must always remember that we are in this together. When we were attacked on 9/11 the enemy did care the color of the skin of their victims. They did not consider the bank account balances of those who would be hurt. There was only one factor that mattered- The likeliness that the targets carry a blue passport or were blue passport simpaticos. As they plan future assaults, that blue passport is all they will see. Our strongest weapon against any assault they can mount is community. Togetherness that will allow us to identify what is out of place. Togetherness that prevents them from openly hiding among us. And if they strike, togetherness that helps us rebuild.

If we truly want peace we must bring it.

Let There Be Peace On Earth And Let It Begin With ME

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…
