Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Are you hiding from opportunity?

Do you know the difference between a wish and a goal? A goal is the step that comes after the wish to make it come true. When you make a wish, you put it out to the universe that there is something you want. By setting a goal toward attaining that wish it’s like you are helping the universe grant your wish. Each step that you take toward achieving that goal brings you closer to having your wish granted.

Many people start a potentially successful venture, but hide from the opportunities to succeed. Whether your wish is for a healthier body, career advancement or growing a business you will need to be positioned where the opportunities are. If you want to eat healthy, yet hang at the pizza place, you may be making that wish longer than you would be in a place that serves healthy meals. If you want career advancement and don’t make time to attend company functions where you can meet the people who can promote you, you are denying yourself the opportunity to get that wish. Opportunities will be there, the question is- Will you be where they are?

Quality does matter. If you are a good employee, managers will know. When you have a great product people are likely to buy it. The key is to get that information out to those with use for it. They will find it when you place it before them. To do this, you may need to step out of your comfort zone. Imagine trying to run a successful business with only your family and close friends as clientele. You can have some earnings, but not as much as what you would have with an entire community as clientele. Friends and family won’t keep buying a product they don’t need, just like your supervisor may love you but will advance his career before yours.

To take advantage of opportunities you need to be where they are, even if that means stretching out of your comfort zone. Make use of opportunities to network with the leaders of your organization. Become more visible to potential clients. Until they know your name or your work, you may be just another one of many. It’s up to you to become the individual who is there for the right opportunity.

When it’s time to have you wishes for success granted, go after that desired outcome-

  • Find out where the opportunities you want are
  • Place yourself where these opportunities are.
  • Get the credentials that place you in the right path for these opportunities
  • Learn what steps you need to take to make your wish comes true
  • Take these steps toward realizing your wish
  • Don’t be discouraged by set backs
  • Continue to stretch yourself and grow until you can reach your goal

If you can wish it, you can make it happen. You just need to be proactive about getting your wish. In every venture, success is most attainable to those who are determined to get it. Step out of your comfort zone; step away from your limiting beliefs, and into your wish come true.

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…