Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Emotional Spring Cleaning

Spring sometimes seems to be one of the most welcomed seasons, and for good reasons. We generally associate this event with many positive changes. The weather feels nicer and the environment looks prettier. Of-course, there’s spring cleaning- Out with the old and in with the new. We take time to clean out our homes, our closets, our cars, our offices and so on. We donate things we don’t use that others may need, store what we don’t use now but will need later, and get rid of the things that we no longer have use for. The point of that exercise is to remove clutter and make room in our environment for things that will be more useful in our lives.

This same exercise of spring cleaning can and many situations should be applied internally sometimes. We can hold on to emotions and relationships long after they cease to add value to our lives. It’s like those cute jeans from 10 years ago. You have not been able to fit into them in 10 years, and even if you did get back to that size they are not likely to still fit your style or current life situation. You can keep tings for sentimental value, but what they really do is take up space that can be taken up by the things you use.

After you’ve cleaned out your closet, home, office… it may be a good idea to look at relationships and situations in your life. Some people from your past did not grow with you, so instead of embracing your current life they keep dragging you back to the past. Sort of the way your old jeans remind you how skinny you were instead of how beautiful you are. The friend who constantly brings you drama, like the copier that crashes every time you have a presentation may be holding you back.

Emotions that have outlived their usefulness are the worse type of clutter that people keep around. When things happen, it is very helpful to allow ourselves to have an emotional reaction. Whether it’s anger, joy or pain, no matter what the emotion, it’s an important part of healing and recovering that the emotion is addressed so that it can be released. Feelings don’t go away until they are addressed. We have to take the time to feel them, acknowledge them and move pass them.

After you complete your physical spring cleaning this year, take some time to consider whether or not you may be in need of some emotional spring cleaning. If you need to, you can always get a bigger space for your material clutter. The emotional baggage you hang on to will go with you everywhere until you chose to leave it behind.

Leave behind the people who are holding you back. Let go of emotions that hold you down. There is a great life filled with new adventures for you to experience.

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…