Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Getting Unstuck

A great plan is an invaluable roadmap to success- the only catch is that is has to be put into action. Sometimes you can start off on a roll and then find that you are stuck or not moving forward. This is something that happens to many people, especially when you come out of the gate flying. What happens too often is that you often plan for certain things and envision certain results. Once you get to that point then the plan needs to be extended to the next step. When you find yourself stuck on an endeavor, start by asking yourself these 5 questions.

  1. Where do I want to go that I’m not moving toward?

Sometimes what may seem like being stuck is you actually getting to where you wanted to be. Many professionals find themselves in this situation some times. At the start of their career or when they start a new business, they seem to be making great strides and moving quickly up the ranks, until eventually they plateau. It’s not that they don’t have that same drive as before, rather that the desire has been satisfied. If you want to start your business to work on your own terms and make enough to support yourself, you can do that. Societal norms however dictate that you want to get to the top of the organization, or grow your business into an empire. Always remember that it is possible that what you want is always ok. Enjoy having reached your goal. Don’t push it, and your new goal will reveal itself when you are ready.

When you allow societal norm to dictate what you pursue you are at risk of diminishing your drive and your confidence. When you go after something you don’t really want, you may not put forth the same effort you do for what you want. When this results in not reaching the goal your confidence can be affected. You may start to wonder if you “still got it” and or start accepting that this is the best you can do. This is very dangerous, because when you later establish new goals motivated by what you want, this established thought can impede your ability to successfully reach your new goal. Before you start chasing any dream, make sure that it is yours.

  1. What am I looking to gain by going this extra distance?

I can never say enough how important it is that goals are specific. A very successful career is not the same as President of a Fortune 500 company. It’s the difference between going to America and going to Disney Land. The more specific you are the easier it will be to map it out and follow the route. Many people who find themselves “stuck” don’t have a clear enough idea of where they want to go, so they find themselves working and not getting anywhere, which discourages them from wanting to continue. When you come to a rotary in the road, each of the four or more exits will take you to a location. The signs even tell you where each exit leads, but if you don’t know where you want to go, you can continue going round until you run out gas but you will still be in the same place.

Too often people go out in search of success without a clear definition of what that means for them. Many times they end up getting pulled in all sorts of direction that don’t give the results they want since they didn’t know what they wanted to begin with. The guy who wants to be shift supervisor is following a different path from the one who wants to be CEO. If you can demonstrate that you’re a team player and can be counted on, you could be a shift supervisor in many places. If your aspiration is to be CEO, you’ll need to forego being the one who can be counted on right now, pass on being the one who comes through to cover that shift so that you can attend classes and earn the degree that the CEO will need. Both of these positions require some sacrifice, and each one will make the sacrifice that earns him the desired positions.

Entrepreneurs often have great difficulty with this when they don’t have a clear business plan. They can dither in figuring out if they are going after the individual customer or the larger corporation. While it is possible to successfully do both, you need to know how much of your resources that you will designate for each. If you know the direction you want to go with our business then you can plan accordingly so that you can follow the path that leads you there.

  • What will (or do) I need to do to make it to the end of this goal?
  • Not having the proper resources is another place where people find themselves stuck. That is why it’s important to constantly take inventory of resources that are needed, those that are available as well as those that need to be secured. By doing this, you are less likely to be caught by surprise and find yourself rushing to accommodate or waiting at a standstill. When you have the resources at your disposal, you are less likely to have to break momentum waiting for them. If that has already happened and you find yourself stuck, this is a good time to go over what has been done, make revisions and review the plan. This will also allow you to see what resources that you may still need to procure in order to move forward and keep progress going. Timing is a very effective tool that can work for you in this case too. If you have to get things or have them delivered, you can schedule it so that deliveries are made just in time for the next step, which would be a great motivation to finish with the current step so that you are ready to move forward in time.

    One of the things that many people do need is motivation. For any goal, motivation can play a crucial role. Having the people, objects, or events that motivate you in place for when they are is one of those necessities that can get overlooked. In many cases, if you are stuck that is one area that should be evaluated. You need to make sure that your motivators are in place and actually doing the job. If it’s your friends and family that you rely on for motivation, you need to make sure that they not only know that, but they are also able and willing to take on this task. If you need daily motivation, you have to make sure that you are not looking to get that from someone you talk to every two weeks, but instead from someone who you have daily interactions with.

    1. What can be done to fit the process into my lifestyle?

    Our society encourages people to fit into existing boxes, but since we’re all so different the fit does not always work for everyone. Sometimes it’s best to the model and customize it to fit you. Another reason that people often get stuck is that they try to do things that they either don’t want to do or that just don’t work for them. Find a way to incorporate what you have to do into what you want to do. Not wanting to engage in certain activities is a great source of delay that can be avoided. It is much easier to fit a process into your lifestyle than to do it the other way around. So instead of uprooting your lifestyle, start with reconfiguring the process so that it fits your lifestyle and its purpose. So once you determine the tools, steps or activities that are necessary to realize your goal, start looking for ways to fit these into your schedule and giving them a place in your daily routine. By doing this you also don’t stall out trying to find time to move along with your project, because it already has its place in your day. If you start to find that you don’t have time or you are missing scheduled activities, it may mean that you need revisit the process for goodness of fit. Some times that may mean that you have to tweak it, and that’s perfectly fine, as long as your changes do not reduce efficiency or effectiveness. The best case scenario of-course is that your tweaking would improve these two, which would in turn increase productivity.

    1. What will be my reward for making it to the end?

    Many people who say they’re stuck are just not motivated. They don’t have a strong enough reason to make them want to continue moving toward a goal.

    Rewards are motivator. It does not matter how great or small the reward is; what matters is how much you want it. As a therapist I used to give toy cars to some of the boys I worked with as part of their behavior modification plans. The more they wanted the car, the harder they worked on their behavior. Each car they got had its purpose to them, maybe it was completing their line of Lamborghinis or adding their first one (yes I was matchbox baller). Once they knew why they wanted that reward they worked for it. As an adult you may want more than toy cars but you can still be motivated by rewards. Maybe you want the real Lambo. What ever the reward is, it has to be something you really wanted.

    Your reward must be something that you have chosen because you want it, not because society or others think you should have. It has to be something that you want so much that the thought of getting it makes you smile, because that is what you will be focusing your attention on during these rough patches when they you feel like you’ve had enough and are ready to let go.

    Rewards don’t have to be material, they just have to be tangible. Having time to do more with your family, special trips, self-time are all great rewards for those who want them. Helping others can be a great reward if that is what you want to do. If you want a safe environment for teens in your community to be, you will feel great when you open the teen center that will provide an alternative to hanging out at some corner, and that is a great reward.

    Say My Name & Make My Day

    In this new world of IDK TTYL BRB LOL 🙂 we are at the point where to human connection seeming further away everyday. Birthday wishes now come in the form of TXT or social media wall posts. We say Happy Holidays via mass text messages. The personal touch is going out of style.

    When I was younger I used to read people’s name tags to mess with them. I’d talk to the person like I know the. I’d say things like “Hey James long time no see” and watch them struggle to figure out where they know me from and recall my name. Like I said I was young.

    A few years ago I started using this information positively. I decided that I would greet the person by name instead of the usual nod and smile people do (at least that I do). It turns out to have been a great experience. If I make eye contact with a person as I pass them I’ll say “Good morning Joe” or “Have a nice day Liz” instead of the normal “hi” that sometimes seem uncomfortably obligatory. Who can forget that most insincere “how you doing?” that people say to each other as they walk by. The other person often responds with the same question or says “Good thanks. And yourself?” but by that time the person is long gone since no one listens to the response.

    I even took it to the stores and other businesses I frequent. When I walk by employees, I acknowledge them by name. If I’m stopping someone to ask a question, I greet them by name. After my purchase is rung up, I thank the cashier by name. The name is already plastered on their chest where it takes no effort to read. My interactions generally end with me saying “Thank you NAME. Have a great day!”

    The reactions have been priceless. When someone is running into a store after a long day at works and someone takes the time to smile at them and say “good afternoon Ann” or “hello Kevin” you can see the reaction taking place. Yes there is the original confusion, but that is followed by a genuine smile. That’s when you know you made a difference in the moment for that person. That tired look in their eyes, or the dazed look of being in their own little world disappears for a quick second. You are not necessarily changing the person’s life, but you make a difference for them in that moment- and possibly the rest of the day.

    We spend so much of our time being identified and identifying others by numbers – Social Security #, Student ID #, Employee ID #, account #, Unit #… Some times it’s just refreshing to get that human connection.

    So the next time to can see someone’s name address them by name. Greet them by name. Thank them by name. It’s an experience that is likely to bring a smile to their face and most definitely yours.

     I’m just saying though…

    Dream Big… Live Bigger…

    Are you hiding from opportunity?

    Do you know the difference between a wish and a goal? A goal is the step that comes after the wish to make it come true. When you make a wish, you put it out to the universe that there is something you want. By setting a goal toward attaining that wish it’s like you are helping the universe grant your wish. Each step that you take toward achieving that goal brings you closer to having your wish granted.

    Many people start a potentially successful venture, but hide from the opportunities to succeed. Whether your wish is for a healthier body, career advancement or growing a business you will need to be positioned where the opportunities are. If you want to eat healthy, yet hang at the pizza place, you may be making that wish longer than you would be in a place that serves healthy meals. If you want career advancement and don’t make time to attend company functions where you can meet the people who can promote you, you are denying yourself the opportunity to get that wish. Opportunities will be there, the question is- Will you be where they are?

    Quality does matter. If you are a good employee, managers will know. When you have a great product people are likely to buy it. The key is to get that information out to those with use for it. They will find it when you place it before them. To do this, you may need to step out of your comfort zone. Imagine trying to run a successful business with only your family and close friends as clientele. You can have some earnings, but not as much as what you would have with an entire community as clientele. Friends and family won’t keep buying a product they don’t need, just like your supervisor may love you but will advance his career before yours.

    To take advantage of opportunities you need to be where they are, even if that means stretching out of your comfort zone. Make use of opportunities to network with the leaders of your organization. Become more visible to potential clients. Until they know your name or your work, you may be just another one of many. It’s up to you to become the individual who is there for the right opportunity.

    When it’s time to have you wishes for success granted, go after that desired outcome-

    • Find out where the opportunities you want are
    • Place yourself where these opportunities are.
    • Get the credentials that place you in the right path for these opportunities
    • Learn what steps you need to take to make your wish comes true
    • Take these steps toward realizing your wish
    • Don’t be discouraged by set backs
    • Continue to stretch yourself and grow until you can reach your goal

    If you can wish it, you can make it happen. You just need to be proactive about getting your wish. In every venture, success is most attainable to those who are determined to get it. Step out of your comfort zone; step away from your limiting beliefs, and into your wish come true.

    I’m just saying though…

    Dream Big… Live Bigger…

    Moving Forward & Friendships- 4 steps to success

    Very often we have a desire to make changes in our lives. Many people make the decisions but still don’t see them to fruition. There are four key elements that can greatly influence the ability to progress from desire, to decision and then to action and fruition.

    1.    Chose your destination. Until you know where you want to go you are not really progressing toward that. Whether your goal is weight loss, professional advancement, personal growth or any of the many things you can want, you will have to set it. There are many ways to move and you can always be on the move, but until you set a goal you are not moving toward a destination. Step it up! Decide what it is that you want so that you go for it. When setting goals it’s best to be specific, because the more specific you are the easier it will be to picture yourself in that destination. “I want to go to Europe” is different from “I’m going to Paris”. With the latter statement you have more to work with so you can plan it better. You can picture yourself Eiffel Tower and imagine what you will need to do to get there. The more specific the goal the more tangible it will feel. Whether it’s a personal weight loss goal or professional career move, the details will help you create the picture in your mind and sometimes putting that picture down in a vision board is helpful.

    2.    Surround yourself with those who will inspire you. When you are on the move and making changes, you need people around you who will motivate you to keep going when times get rough. You want to surround yourself with people who are on the same path or who have already made it to where you are working to get. Those who are on the same path can motivate you along the way. They can be there to share the experience, celebrate and commiserate with you as needed. Those who have already made it will be a constant reminder of what you are working to achieve. They are also evidence that your goal can be reached, which will in turn motivate you to keep going when the road seems never-ending. Immerse yourself in the vision. Stay exposed to people and environment that remind you of what you are working for and why you want it. The more you are exposed to the benefits you seek the more you will want it.

    3.    Limit your contact people who are not moving. Imagine that you and your childhood friend are traveling to destinations on different continents. You started together at your home airport. You flew together sitting side-by-side to the next airport. Now you are at the next leg of the trip and your friend’s destination is a short car ride away and yours requires another flight. This is the time for decisions- do you continue with your friend or get on the plane. Although it’s not always that simple, sometimes this is something that needs to be done. At every stage of life, there are people with us for that stage, and we need to accept that not everyone will fit in every stage. It’s not that you don’t care or want them in your life; rather that you may need some distance from certain people in order to achieve specific goals. Many of us still have the “binky” that we’ll always keep, but we don’t carry it with us walking into the boardroom. Instead, it’s safely stowed away, and every so often gets taken out for a trip down memory lane and returned to its safe storage when we’re done. Sometimes we need to do that with friendships. There will be times when the cherished childhood friends don’t see your vision for advancement. If your current circle is not giving you the inspiration and motivation you need to move toward your goals, you should be making room in your circle for people who will. Since you can’t get more hours in your week, the only remaining option is to redistribute how you spend the time that you have- yes that means less time with those who are not helping you move forward so that you can get more times with those who are.

    4.    Eliminate those who will hold you back. Sometimes when you decide to make life changes, you will find that not everyone in your life is ready to accept that change. This is another crucial decision juncture. When you want o make life changes, you may need to also be willing let go of those who don’t want the same thing for you. If you have a weight loss goal and your friends who don’t want to see you becoming thinner or healthier then them insist on getting together at the pizza, burger or wings spots despite your pleas for different eateries, you may need to stop going to eat with them so often. Some times people in your life can verbalize their disapproval of what you are doing. If you have chosen to further your education to move your career to the next level, you don’t want to be around people who don’t support that. If you are spending time with people consistently tell you that what you are working hard toward is a waste of your time, or that you will not reach your goals, it can be very discouraging. Allowing that negativity in your life can affect your progress. Instead of allowing people to sabotage you, keep them at a distance so that you are not exposed to the negativity. Ideally, you want

    If you truly want a difference in your life you can certainly have it. What you need to remember is that change happens when you make it, and making it generally means that you may need to make certain changes in your own environment to make way for the change you desire.

    I’m just saying though…Dream Big… Live Bigger…

    Emotional Spring Cleaning

    Spring sometimes seems to be one of the most welcomed seasons, and for good reasons. We generally associate this event with many positive changes. The weather feels nicer and the environment looks prettier. Of-course, there’s spring cleaning- Out with the old and in with the new. We take time to clean out our homes, our closets, our cars, our offices and so on. We donate things we don’t use that others may need, store what we don’t use now but will need later, and get rid of the things that we no longer have use for. The point of that exercise is to remove clutter and make room in our environment for things that will be more useful in our lives.

    This same exercise of spring cleaning can and many situations should be applied internally sometimes. We can hold on to emotions and relationships long after they cease to add value to our lives. It’s like those cute jeans from 10 years ago. You have not been able to fit into them in 10 years, and even if you did get back to that size they are not likely to still fit your style or current life situation. You can keep tings for sentimental value, but what they really do is take up space that can be taken up by the things you use.

    After you’ve cleaned out your closet, home, office… it may be a good idea to look at relationships and situations in your life. Some people from your past did not grow with you, so instead of embracing your current life they keep dragging you back to the past. Sort of the way your old jeans remind you how skinny you were instead of how beautiful you are. The friend who constantly brings you drama, like the copier that crashes every time you have a presentation may be holding you back.

    Emotions that have outlived their usefulness are the worse type of clutter that people keep around. When things happen, it is very helpful to allow ourselves to have an emotional reaction. Whether it’s anger, joy or pain, no matter what the emotion, it’s an important part of healing and recovering that the emotion is addressed so that it can be released. Feelings don’t go away until they are addressed. We have to take the time to feel them, acknowledge them and move pass them.

    After you complete your physical spring cleaning this year, take some time to consider whether or not you may be in need of some emotional spring cleaning. If you need to, you can always get a bigger space for your material clutter. The emotional baggage you hang on to will go with you everywhere until you chose to leave it behind.

    Leave behind the people who are holding you back. Let go of emotions that hold you down. There is a great life filled with new adventures for you to experience.

    I’m just saying though…

    Dream Big… Live Bigger…