Five (5) Easy Tips Helping Children Reduce Anxiety During The Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic
While many adults are dealing with the stress and anxiety of staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic it’s important to remember that many children are also living this experience. The Coronavirus outbreak has imposed great changes in the lives and routines of children. That level of change and instability can cause anxiety in children as well, even though they may not know how to express that or even understand that they are experiencing anxiety. There are some steps that the adults in their lives can do to help. One of the most important things that parents can do is to address their own issues so that they are not passing on their stress and anxiety to their children. Many children do not understand or may not even know what Coronavirus or COVID-19 is. What they do notice is that this pandemic has changed their lives. It’s up to the adults in their lives to take the necessary steps to provide some stability and normalcy in their lives.
Five (5) Quick Tips For People Who Have To Work During The Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic
First a ginormous THANK YOU to the men and women who are out in our communities to working to provide for us, to keep us safe and to help us in many ways we don’t even know about during this COVID-19 pandemic. While many of us get to stay at home to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus we know that because of you don’t have that luxury. We thank you for your service. We appreciate you. And we’re giving dirty looks to they jerk acting afool for you, since you have to be professional and can’t do it yourself.
While you are out there braving the pandemic, we want you to be safe and healthy. Hopefully these tips will help remind you of a few step you can take t help keep yourself and your families safe. Your employee assistance program program for example, is an excellent resource that can help provide you with tools to help with the stress of being out there while the Coronavirus is still a threat.
Five (5) Easy Ways To Reduce Anxiety During A Pandemic (Coronavirus, COVID-19)
The chaos surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic can cause a great deal of anxiety as the Coronavirus continues to spread. The barrage of the 24-hour news cycle with the same coverage from many different sources continues to add to the stress. To preserve one’s mental health, it is important to put resources in place to help reduce the anxiety that this can cause. Managing stress is an ongoing process, but taking some simple steps such as limiting your exposure to the constant talks of the pandemic can be very helpful. While the Coronavirus and COVID-19 pause physical risks, the societal response including the barrage of the all day repetition of the same information pauses great emotional and mental health risk.
Five (5) Common Mistakes People With Mental Illness Make
People respond differently to mental illness. They employ many tactics to help them cope but sometimes the method is counter to its intent. Things such as isolation, and identifying the diagnosis are some of the mistakes that people make in dealing with the stress of mental illness. One of the most common mistakes is discontinuing treatment because they mistake having the symptoms managed for being cured.