Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) Tips For Working With Colleagues With ADD/ADHD

Work is one of the places where symptoms of ADD/ADHD have some of their greatest impact. The individual who is working through the symptoms want very much to have that stable work day where all the work they do lead to results that show the depth of their efforts. Unfortunately ADD/ADHD take a great deal of work to manage, and that is not just on the part of the person who has. Just as the team’s work can be impacted by the person’s symptoms, there are some things that the team can do to help the individual. Whether you are a colleague, supervisor, or supervisee, you can make a world of difference. Start with these 5 tips:

  1. A written follow up is important
  2. Provide enough but not too much time
  3. Prioritize and spread your requests
  4. Stay focused and be consistent
  5. Respect their time and space.

I know the clip is long 🙂 Recap starts at 6:53



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