Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Life & Success Lessons From The Golf Course 1

I recently decided to really take up golf. I had many reasons for doing this. One of them being that I was hitting so well the first time I went out- It looked like I had natural talent. I have been talking about this for a couple of years. Bragging about how straight I can hit the ball, and discussing how golfing would be beneficial, but no consistent action. This is where our first Lesson From Golf is found.

Action is key!

While I have been talking about wanting to golf and reasons to golf I made no real effort to fulfill this desire. That is what many aspiring entrepreneurs and others wishing for success in a desired area are doing. Talking about the shoulda coulda wouldas does only one thing- Remind you of what you are not doing. Don’t just talk about it, be about it. If it’s something you truly want, there comes a time when you must begin to act, but that is not to say that you take uncalculated actions.

One of my first actions toward actually golfing was to attend clinics. That exposed me to the sport, but I did not have to commit. I could pay $15 or $35 for a clinic, have fun that day and not do anything else for a few months. How many would-be business owners do we know who talk about starting a business “some day” doing something, but for now they just use that talent for a gig on the side when a friend asks them to? They are doing just what I did- Attending the occasional clinic and reminding themselves how things could be “some day”.

Eventually it was time for me to take some real action, so I began my research. What do I need to do if I want to actually learn and play golf? What dos this really mean? This is no different when it comes to living out these long deferred dreams. You could easily just jump in and hope something works out; however, taking the time to research and develop and a plan of action increases your chance of success. By putting the time and effort into preparation, you move from “hoping” for success and closer to “creating” that success.

When you jump in without preparation you tend to try anything and everything that you come across, which leads to doing a lot of work and not necessarily making progress. When you take the time to prepare, you know what you need to do to reach your desired results, so you waste less time trying every thing else and have more time to focus on achieving the goal.

Lip service fuels envy. Carefully planned and calculated action is what fuels exceptional success.

 I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…



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