Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) Ways You Can Prevent Suicide

You can prevent a suicide. People resort to suicide when they reach the end of their rope and don’t see another way out. They have lost hope and don’t know where they can turn. By taking the time to be there and be kind each one of us could be the one who gives that person a glimmer of hope. Remember, the smallest speckle of light can brighten room. Every person can do something to help eliminate mental health stigma. Don’t wait until you know someone is having suicidal thoughts to care- Be the hope they need every day. We can all do something to make it easier for people to get help for mental illness just by using our voices. Stand up. Speak up. Do not allow people to demonize & criminalize mental illness. Help someone who is dealing with stress before they reach crisis point. Most importantly, take care and safeguard your own mental health.
If needed you can reach Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255)

Five (5) Resources For Accessing Mental Health Information

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to go to access information. Many people being diagnosed with mental health issues have no clue where to access information. Unfortunately because so many keep it such a secret, even the people in their circle are often not much help because they don’t know that the person is facing the same issue as them. It is important that when a person receives a mental health diagnosis they know where to go to learn about their diagnosis, find treatment, get support or any other resources they may need.
1. NIMH National Institute of Mental Health
2. NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness
3. Mental health Associations
4. 211,
5. School guidance office

Five (5) Misconceptions About Mental Illness

People who suffer with mental illness are just like everyone else you know. In fact they ARE the people you know in your everyday life, but some in our society want you to believe differently. These are 5 things that some people believe about mental illness that are false.

Five (5) Ways To Promote Your Own Mental Health #MHAM

Five (5) Ways To Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month #MHAM

Five (5) Things NOT To Say To Someone Battling Depression