Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) Easy Ways To Keep Your Sanity During A Pandemic (Coronavirus, COVID-19)

The pandemonium surrounding a pandemic causes more than just disruptions in everyday life. With so many changes, so many things unknown and out of your control, sometimes it can feel like you are loosing it. Even in the midst of all the chaos, there are things that you can do to help keep your sanity. Taking simple basic steps such as keeping a schedule and employing good self-care can help to manage the stress and make the process more manageable. We don’t know at this time how long the COVID-19 outbreak will last, but with the continued spread of the Coronavirus, it is important to set in place tools and systems to help maintain everyday life as much as possible in case this pandemic lasts longer than what people think or expect. It would be great if it could end as quickly as it seems to have started. Creating a system to maintain stability and of course your sanity can make getting through the process less painful.

Five (5) Mental Health Issues That Can Be Impacted During A Pandemic (Coronavirus, COVID-19)

A pandemic can cause great disruption in most people’s lives. For people with mental health issues there is the added risk of their symptoms being impacted. The Coronavirus and COVID-19 have cause such great disruption that he pandemic has thrown many communities into pandemonium. People who have existing mental health issues need to be especially mindful to notice any change in their symptoms and behaviors so that any changes can be noticed before they develop into a and additional crisis..