Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) Parts Of Effective Communication Profiles

Effective Communication can make or break your relationship. The best way for your partner to know the most effective way to communicate with you is for you to tell them. Creating an effective Communication profile will help you do that.

Five (5) Ways Creating Communication Profiles Improves Relationships

Effective communication can make or break your relationships. Your Communication Profile tells your partner who you are as a communicator to ensure effective communication in your marriage. This where you let them know the best ways to communicate in a way that you will receive and help them avoid the things that could create a communication barrier in your relationship.

Five (5) Ways To De-escalate Fighting

Disagreements happen in every relationship. How you handle them determines if they end as an incident you put behind you or a major fight you can’t come back from. It’s important to know how to de-escalate a fight before you cause damage to your relationship.

Five (5) Benefits Of Asking Questions In Communication

Asking questions is an important yet often overlooked part of communication. There are many benefits to asking questions that can help individuals or couples improve their communication skills.

Five (5) Things To Remember About Communication

Knowing when and how you communicate and what you are communicating can make or break your relationship. Keeping in mind some basic rules about communication can help couples be better communicators. Remember that much of communication is non-verbal and that what you do or don’t do can communicate a lot more than you intended to share.

Five (5) Tips For Helping Your Partner Communicate With You

Communication is unique between any two people. This is why it is important that couples learn to communicate in a way that meets their partner’s communication needs. This is even more important when at least one of them is not a very strong communicator.

Five (5) Tips For Dealing With Poor Communicators

Five (5) Ways to improve communication

Five (5) Tips For Squashing Conflict

Five (5) Tips For Building And Nurturing Trust

Five (5) Communication Dos For Couples

We often hear how important communication is in a relationship, but the tip ends there. Very often people do want to be great communicators but are not sure where to begin. To strengthen communication in your relationship, remember to:

  • Set aside time to be together and time to talk

  • Talk about the good and the bad things

  • Learn and share each other’s cues

  • Listen to each other and respect your partner’s views

  • Talk about things when they come up