Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) Don’ts For Helping A Friend After Infidelity

After infidelity, not all “help” is helpful. There are things that one can do in an effort to help that can make things worse. Supporting a friend after infidelity means doing the things that they need you to do- not the things you want to do or think should be done. Remember that it is about them and what they need to help them heal and move forward from this point. If you find that you are unable to be the support they need, it is best to say that to the person and give them a chance to get that support elsewhere instead of having you occupying the space where someone who can be supportive should be.

Five (5) Common Reasons People Cheat

Why people cheat is a frequent question that is asked after infidelity. The specific reasons vary greatly, because infidelity is so personal. However, despite what the individual may say on the surface, the reason many people have cheated can generally fit withing a few categories.

Five (5) Tips For dating after infidelity

Infidelity can shake you. It can even change some things in you. No matter what, It’s important to heal and get back out there. These are a few tips to help.

Five (5) Ways To ‘Help’ Safeguard Your Relationship Against Infidelity

Five (5) Things to NOT Do While Your Partner Deals With Your Infidelity

Five (5) Tips For Helping Your Partner Deal With Your Infidelity

Five (5) Tips For Surviving A Partners Infidelity

Five (5) Things To NOT Do After A Partner’s Infidelity

Five (5) Infidelity Don’ts

Five (5) Ways Counseling Helps Heal After Infidelity

Staying Together- Five (5) Steps To Begin Healing After Infidelity

He/She Cheated Now What? Five (5) Steps To Take After Infidelity

Find out what the catalyst to infidelity was- Was there an unmet need or is the person not ready for a monogamous relationship?

Take time to process and experience your feelings and then express them- Don’t throw yourself into action and ignore what you are feeling.

Determine what it will take to make you feel safe and trusting in that relationship again.

Decide what you as a couple are prepared to do to repair your relationship.

Make a joint decision on the future of your relationship.