Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Broaden Your Sphere Of Influence One Small Act For One Individual At A Time

In his book Turning Stones, Mark Parent shares the story of a child who while walking on the beach, would pick up snails she found along the way and throw them back into the ocean. When grandma pointed out that there are so many little critters that have washed up along so many miles of shore and that throwing a few of them back really will not make a difference, the child’s response was “it makes a difference to this one” as she threw in the latest rescue.

That child realized something that many adults have forgotten- Every action makes a difference. We hear the words so often but don’t really put them into action. As the holiday season is in full bloom, stores are packed and traffic backed up it’s important to remember those words. When your place of worship needs volunteers and your schedule won’t allow you the four hours, the one hour you have can make a difference. When your local soup kitchen is making a plea for donations and you can’t afford a large cash donation, giving a few extra cans from your pantry will make a difference. It’s true that donating a box of pasta will not feed the hundreds of people in the community who are hungry, but it will make a great difference for the one family who eats because of that donation.

We sometimes spend so much time trying to save the world that we forget to help the individual next to us who is calling out for help. While things done for the masses may bring a brief moment of acknowledgement and accolades, the small gesture expended to an individual earns a deeper sense of gratitude. Public accolades may fade away, but the gratitude of the individual will not only last, it will multiply. When the individual remembers the kindness of a stranger, friend or loved one, and repays it with kindness toward another. Instead of creating one big moment that may or may not last, you inspire a cycle of influence that continues to multiply.

This same method applies in business.Although every small business owner (myself included) would love to land that one big client who catapults your business into arenas you could not imagine, taking time out to provide the super star treatment to every small deal, every sale, can have similar impact. When you provide your clients with service that are above and beyond what they expected and the competition offers, your clients can share their experience with others, thus creating a snow ball effect. The more great things you do, the more you are talked about. You may not get the one client who alone can sustain your business, but the many satisfied customers can together have the same impact as they bring others along with them.

When you are looking to widen you sphere of influence, place less emphasis on how many you can impact in one act and focus more on how deeply you can impact individuals. Individuals are the ones who will spread your message. They are the ones who will remember and act from their hearts. Individuals will carry out your message both through words and action, and they have the ability to influence others to join them. In this fad chasing world, we must always remember to focus on people, because when the hoopla dies down the people who have been personally affected will still remember. Be memorable to one, inspire one, and your reach will go beyond your imagination.

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


What’s their opinion costing you?

Not long ago I found myself in a discussion with someone who was holding back from doing what she wanted for fear of what others may think. How many times have we all seen that? How many times have we DONE that? If you take some time to look around you’ll notice that not only are there people around you who are not pursuing their dreams and getting what they want from life, you may have at some point even been one of those. I know I have.

I talk a lot about my swimming adventures now, but two summers ago I would even look at water, so jumping in was definitely out of the question. Yes, I know I’m from an island. I could see the Atlantic from the front porch of my home in Haiti, but we don’t mess with water like that. Later on (late teens – early 20s) I did want to learn to swim, but the thought of how I would look a “grown woman” trying to swim did cross my mind. In fact so much that I delayed this pursuit a few times. The opportunity presented itself again a couple of years ago and I accepted a friend’s offer to teach me. One of my best decisions! I didn’t just find my new favorite form of complete workout; I also learned a potentially life-saving skill. I won’t lie, I’m still a Black woman and my hair plays a big part of deciding when and how often I swim, but everyday in the pool is a joy and a blessing.

My hang-ups about being a grown woman learning to swim may not have had great professional impacts, but still affected my life. The level of exercise I accomplish through an hour of swimming would take me a good two hours in the gym. A small but notable impact on my every day life. Unfortunately, for most people the impact is much greater. When you start thinking of people who are delaying going back to complete their schooling, making career moves that are not in line with what is expected of them. While delaying their personal advancements, they are frequently faced with a disgruntled existence. Some things may be going well, but that missing piece keeps the picture from being complete. Over time the void left by the missing piece seems to get bigger and the discontent that wraps around it has no choice but to grow along.

Earlier I watched a clip of a presentation by Abiola Abrams, where her message was “So What?” – encouraging her audience to stand up to their self-imposed limitations. That’s exactly what all of us need to learn to say about the opinions of others and the limitations we try to put on ourselves. These limitations give the individual permission to not do their best. The limitations become the crutches that justify not getting in the race even as the lone competitor.

The limitations that you place on yourself or allow others to place on you in the end are costing you a great deal, but having little if any effect on the external limiters. In most cases the individuals whose opinions you are concerned with are too busy focusing on their own issues to even have an opinion on what you are or aren’t doing. In the rare case that others are taking the time to form an opinion, your thought should be more on what part of their own growth are they neglecting to make time to criticize you?

You can’t waste your time worrying about people who are too busy getting their house in order to even be concerned with you. As you cower away, shielding yourself from their judgment, they will be more than occupied with experiencing their own growth, enjoying their own successes and living a life that you can now only wish for from your little corner of fear. These are not the type of people whose opinion you need to worry about, instead they are the people who you can take a hint from. Seeing how they go for their goals should be a source of inspiration not intimidation. They may be facing the same limitations you are, but having chosen to succeed they could not be bothered with limitations. Instead of worrying what they would think of you, focus on how you can get their help on your own journey. They may be too busy to judge you but they could still make time to help you. Quite often, learning from them does not even require more than observing their normal behaviors, which speak volumes.

And you should certainly not waste your time on those you fill their time in judgment of those working toward personal growth and achievement instead of doing the same. Chances are, if they were not just as concerned of what others may think of them, they would probably be out there making the same efforts as you. Once you have taken the first step of getting started, you are already ahead of them.

Like the lyrics from that old song say “haters gonna hate ballers gonna ball”. While all that is happening it will be up to you to decide where you fit in the picture. You can sit back and avoid having people judge you for daring to expand your horizons. At the end of the day you will be right where you started with them. You also always have the option of taking that leap and giving it your all. But at the end of that day even if you’ve not yet arrived, you will certainly be closer to your goal and probably a comfortable distance ahead of those who were too busy judging you to get started themselves.

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


Reality Is The Product Of Investment In Dreams

Reality is not the absence of dreams. Rather it is a place where dreams can come to fruition. Have you ever heard people say that someone is living in a “dream world”? Maybe it was said about you. They say it like it’s something bad. Like you need to step out of your thoughts and your dreams and join the rest of the world in reality. But what they fail to realize is that this reality that they speak of all started with a dream. Next time you get in your car for that 2 minute drive to wherever, think of how long a walk it would have been if the dream of creating a motorized vehicle was abandoned to embrace the current reality.

Where you are today is simply an indication of where you are today and has no bearing of where you can and will be tomorrow. Your future is dictated by what your desires, your thoughts, your beliefs and willingness to take the steps necessary to get you there. It is always so frustrating to hear people place limitations on children and act them based on those limitations. Who are we to limit the future of an individual? Thinking big is not just a saying that children should hear in school, but instead it is a way of life that should be nurtured and encouraged in people of every age.

Where our society goes wrong is in not wanting to people, especially children to set themselves up for disappointment by reaching for the unattainable: a desire to provide the shelter from the negative. There are a just a few things wrong with that, including that nothing is really unattainable to the person who is determined. Instead of sheltering from disappointment, why not prevent it by realizing the dream.

If we were to survey teenage boys, we would probably find that half of them aspire to be an athlete or artist of some sort. But if we really dug deeper we would find that the desire is not so much the position as it is what they associate with it. They want what those people have. But if we take the time to really explore the dreams, the passion, we would find that there are other talents that they have that can be nurtured to help them find the success they desire. Instead of discouraging them from pursuing these dreams, we need to help them clarify what it is that they are truly after and then identify the resources they possess or need to acquire to realize these dreams. While we’re at it- we can get quite a few adults on that path too.

As with any investment, the more diligent investor tends to have a better shot. Yes, there are times that external factors can affect the returns, but more often then not, having a clear desire that is purposefully and resolutely pursued wins out. Taking the time to acquire the resources and being prepared to take the steps toward the dream no matter what should not be underestimated. The diligent investor will give their investments time to mature and know that there may be low points and that they need to stick around and ride those out no matter what, until better days come back around. Having this same attitude with one’s dreams would yield similar results. Taking the time to get the information that is needed and than being fully dedicated to implementing that knowledge can make the difference between immeasurable success or lack there of.

Whether for adults or children, it’s not about living in “the real world” or facing reality because this “real world” or reality is ever changing. More importantly each individual has the opportunity to guide the direction of that change. We may not always be able to get things to move where we want when we want just by snapping a finger, but through conscious and diligent investment in the future, big differences can be made. So next time the 15 year-old says he wants to be a football player, don’t just shut him down. Instead, explore with him what he really wants and what he has to do to get there. Then encourage him to put in the work so that one day his dream can come to fruition.

Dreams are not a bad thing. Dreams and reality are definitely not mutually exclusive. In fact, investing in dream can create a reality that is better than imagined. So don’t start dreaming and NEVER ask a child to give up on a dream. Instead make the investment that can realize your own dreams and instill in children the work ethic that will inspire them to do the same.

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


Picture What You Want- A plan is the roadmap to reaching goal

We often hear that the way to financial freedom is through self-employment, creating your own income stream… When so many leaders say that, becoming a business owner is the way of becoming financially free it is certainly enticing for people to start their own business. Unfortunately many people are just jumping in blind.

It is true that many small businesses do not make it past the first few years, but there is even more truth in he fact that many of them thrive. One of the greatest differences between the businesses that thrive in contrast with the ones that don’t survive the first few years is the soundness of their plans. In this economic climate, jumping in blindly is not an option. As our economy is being rebuilt, new opportunities are presented every day. These opportunities also require new approaches and fresh ideas, which many new and budding business owners can provide. Regrettably, a good idea is not enough to assure success. Investors, from the individual purchasing goods and services for end user consumption, to the large corporations and government entities purchasing for redistribution, everyone is looking for the best bang for their buck.

Every buyer is thinking about Return On Investment so as a supplier you need to be able to answer that. That’s one reason that having a sound business plan is mandatory. Developing a strong business plan forces you to look beyond your great idea. In the process of developing a plan you will need to conduct assessments of everything from the value that your goods or services will bring to consumers, how your offerings match up with the needs of your target market, how your organization differs from the completion and much much more. The strong business plan will also provide the information that is needed to make these client presentations. When you have the opportunity to pitch your services to your dream client, much of the information needed to create an engaging numbers-based presentation will be in your business plan. So all that will be left to do is research your audience and match the presentation to their needs.

Knowing this makes it difficult for me to accept when people say they don’t have or need a business plan. When you don’t have a plan, the question raised is how serious you are about your business. If you jump in blindly, armed with only what you believe is a good idea, how are you to gauge success? Know that you are on target to reaching your goal? Recognize and adjust to changes in the environment?

The key to succeeding in any endeavor is the willingness to put forth every effort necessary to achieve one’s goal. If you don’t have a clear idea of that goal and the steps necessary to reach it you are at risk of always being “three feet from gold”. Just as a savvy architect would not start laying bricks before he has developed the blue prints for a structure, a savvy entrepreneur would not start a business without a business plan. The architect may know exactly what the completed structure should look like, but he still takes the time draw out every last detail, which allows him to plan for every incident and secure access to resources even before they become needed.

While many entrepreneurs report that they do not know how to develop a business plan, that is not enough of a reason to go blindly. In this era of economic rebuilding, there are many resources that are available to help individuals get their businesses started off right. Community organizations such as local Small Business Associations (SBA) and SBA partners such as SCORE, Center for Technology, Enterprise & Development provide free services which include assistance with developing business plans. It is a great shame that many more people are not taking advantage of their services which can substantially increase one’s chances of creating a thriving business.

Taking the time to develop a business plan is a one of the first signs of your commitment to your business. People who take the time to develop a business plan are less likely to back away at the first signs of trouble, because in addition to the investment they have made in the plan, they have gained knowledge which prepares them for dealing with rough patches. From the time we were children we’ve been taught the value of drawing a picture, designing an outline or creating roadmaps to help us visualize our goals, understand the tools we need and see the steps we must take. As adults with much bigger goals it is now even more important that we remember these small lessons learned. From Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling to the 3 year-old’s hand print drawing- They all started with an outline that allowed every last detail to be in its designated place.

<span style=”font-family: ‘Calligraph421 BT’; font-size: 14pt;”><span style=”font-family: ‘Calligraph421 BT’; font-size: 14pt;”> </span><span style=”font-family: ‘Calligraph421 BT’; font-size: 14pt;”> I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


<a href=””></a></span 

We often hear that the way to financial freedom is through self-employment, creating your own income stream… When so many leaders say that, becoming a business owner is the way of becoming financially free it is certainly enticing for people to start their own business. Unfortunately many people are just jumping in blind.

It is true that many small businesses do not make it past the first few years, but there is even more truth in he fact that many of them thrive. One of the greatest differences between the businesses that thrive in contrast with the ones that don’t survive the first few years is the soundness of their plans. In this economic climate, jumping in blindly is not an option. As our economy is being rebuilt, new opportunities are presented every day. These opportunities also require new approaches and fresh ideas, which many new and budding business owners can provide. Regrettably, a good idea is not enough to assure success. Investors, from the individual purchasing goods and services for end user consumption, to the large corporations and government entities purchasing for redistribution, everyone is looking for the best bang for their buck.

Every buyer is thinking about Return On Investment so as a supplier you need to be able to answer that. That’s one reason that having a sound business plan is mandatory. Developing a strong business plan forces you to look beyond your great idea. In the process of developing a plan you will need to conduct assessments of everything from the value that your goods or services will bring to consumers, how your offerings match up with the needs of your target market, how your organization differs from the completion and much much more. The strong business plan will also provide the information that is needed to make these client presentations. When you have the opportunity to pitch your services to your dream client, much of the information needed to create an engaging numbers-based presentation will be in your business plan. So all that will be left to do is research your audience and match the presentation to their needs.

Knowing this makes it difficult for me to accept when people say they don’t have or need a business plan. When you don’t have a plan, the question raised is how serious you are about your business. If you jump in blindly, armed with only what you believe is a good idea, how are you to gauge success? Know that you are on target to reaching your goal? Recognize and adjust to changes in the environment?

The key to succeeding in any endeavor is the willingness to put forth every effort necessary to achieve one’s goal. If you don’t have a clear idea of that goal and the steps necessary to reach it you are at risk of always being “three feet from gold”. Just as a savvy architect would not start laying bricks before he has developed the blue prints for a structure, a savvy entrepreneur would not start a business without a business plan. The architect may know exactly what the completed structure should look like, but he still takes the time draw out every last detail, which allows him to plan for every incident and secure access to resources even before they become needed.

While many entrepreneurs report that they do not know how to develop a business plan, that is not enough of a reason to go blindly. In this era of economic rebuilding, there are many resources that are available to help individuals get their businesses started off right. Community organizations such as local Small Business Associations (SBA) and SBA partners such as SCORE, Center for Technology, Enterprise & Development provide free services which include assistance with developing business plans. It is a great shame that many more people are not taking advantage of their services which can substantially increase one’s chances of creating a thriving business.

Taking the time to develop a business plan is a one of the first signs of your commitment to your business. People who take the time to develop a business plan are less likely to back away at the first signs of trouble, because in addition to the investment they have made in the plan, they have gained knowledge which prepares them for dealing with rough patches. From the time we were children we’ve been taught the value of drawing a picture, designing an outline or creating roadmaps to help us visualize our goals, understand the tools we need and see the steps we must take. As adults with much bigger goals it is now even more important that we remember these small lessons learned. From Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling to the 3 year-old’s hand print drawing- They all started with an outline that allowed every last detail to be in its designated place.

<span style=”font-family: ‘Calligraph421 BT’; font-size: 14pt;”><span style=”font-family: ‘Calligraph421 BT’; font-size: 14pt;”> </span><span style=”font-family: ‘Calligraph421 BT’; font-size: 14pt;”> I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


Is it High Overhead or Low Accountability? Five (5) tips for reducing overhead costs.

Last week someone asked me what a person would say that triggers to him that the person may e able to use my services. I remembered a conversation I had the preceding weekend. Somehow in the midst of a conversation, someone mention having “high overhead”. It clicked for me instantly and I said “you should call me”. Of-course as we got into the discussion he asked me the question everyone, including that first person asked me- “are you gonna make my high rent go away?” After our talk I took it on as a challenge.

A few days later I got the information that I needed and started looking things over and performing a few cost benefit analyses. The most obvious observation was that he was operating in a very different market than he was serving. He has beautiful office suite with all the amenities that he wanted. The suite is in a great location that is also a nice distance from where he lives and where his clients are coming from. But the real zinger is that his wonderful suite is in a location where others in his field serve a clientele who pay a few times what he charges, and can therefore afford the expenses of that location. These five tips are sure to help ease the burden of too much overhear:

  1. Having nice things does not have to mean exorbitant costs. We were able to find locations that put him closer to home and slightly more accessible to clients that are a fraction of what he was paying. Location does matter, and the location has to make sense. I am in no way saying that people should go into rundown buildings to save money. If an office suite with all the amenities is what you desire then can have that, but sometimes you can see a big difference just by changing zip codes. If you start having to work many more extra hours to afford your location, you are probably in the wrong location for what you are charging.
  2. Don’t count on everyone paying on time. Too many people make that mistake. According to ideal calculations, if all the clients are paying and paying on time, thing will be much smoother. I agree with that 100%; however, I know that the reality is different. When planning for expenses, you need to take into account that some clients will be late, others may default and caseloads can get low. That is why expenses need to be low enough that you are not just getting by, but earning enough to build a cushion for those days. Your clients may not be paying but that will not stop your liabilities from demanding attention. I was in an office once when FPL cut them off– It was not cute.
  3. There is a difference between favors and work. Work is something we do to earn income. Favors are done in <i>addition<i> to work, not <i>instead<i> of work. As professionals we do want to help others and give back to friends, family and the community, but there has to be some limits. If you spend too much of your time doing favors, then there may not be enough time to do income earning work. Don’t get so busy doing favors that you have to outsource many things that you could be doing. Why would you pay others so that you can have more time to work for free. To survive in any business, there is something all business owners MUST remember- People will pay for the things they really want. Of-course, some people may not be able to pay the full cost of services, but they can afford something. People appreciate things more if they have to pay for them. In lieu of just giving free services to people, a sliding scale can at least help cover the expenses you incur in service delivery.
  4. Everyone should be held accountable for their duties. As the boss, you should not blow off your responsibilities and just pass them on to others just because. If you do this you are setting the wrong example. You have to hold your team accountable for their responsibilities and it’s great to be able to have yourself as the reference point. Quite often, working overtime or working late is the result of a lack of productivity during the regular workday. If you are coming in and your team is scrambling to look busy or in worse cases keep on with not being productive, there is a serious issue. You need to understand your duties as well as what is required of your team. If they have to work late too often, you are either understaffed or things are not getting done. If you are feeling pressure from high overhead, it’s more than likely the latter. Don’t just keep giving them more time to do what should have already been done. Get the office work done during the day and eliminate the cost of extended days.
  5. Set boundaries with everyone from the clients to staff, family and friends. If every time you turn around your friends are calling or your assistant’s children are calling, those are productivity minutes that are being misappropriated. Having a schedule of when you attend to personal matters is a very effective way of maximizing your time in the office. If you look at your call log and see a few personal calls lasting 5 to 10 minutes or more in the middle of your workday, it’s time for change. Over time people can become too comfortable and complacent. Your friends may be calling you when you should be working or you staff handling personal business when work needs to be done are all minor events that can be problematic over time. While you may want your office to be welcoming and pleasant, it’s important that employees know that they are there to work and for this demand to be enforced. From coming in on time to doing what you ask the first time, setting and enforcing boundaries can make a big difference.

While no one can make your rent disappear, there are numerous steps that can be taken to alleviate the pressure of overhead expenses… Even if that’s the way you’ve always done things.  

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


<a href=””></a></span>

Five Simple Tips to Improve Productivity

Have a plan. If you take the time to plan out what you need to accomplish during the day then you eliminate the time that will be spent figuring out what to do next when a task is completed. When you have your tasks outlined you can move about and skip around when necessary to improve productivity instead of sticking with a task when you are not producing results. Having a visual of the day ahead makes it more manageable. You don’t spend time worrying about what you need to get done and you gain motivation from seeing things crossed off your to-do list. A plan also helps when people stop by, because having a visual of what you have to accomplish also gives you an idea of how much time you can spare in chit chat or when during the day you may have time for the conversation you visitor wants to have.

Take Breaks. Being too focused is not always the most productive state to be in. Sometimes you need breaks to refresh and regroup. It’s helpful to plan a five minute break between meetings and tasks that way you have a little time for yourself- whether it is to run to the restroom or grab a glass of water that short break can be useful to help you make the transition from one task to the next. This is also a great time for catching up with others and maintaining your relationships around the office. A quick chat here a little joke there goes a long way.

We generally have more energy and enthusiasm at the start of the day or a project. Major breakthroughs and accomplishments can produce a similar level of energy and excitement, but not every task has such. By taking breaks, you allow yourself the opportunity to have a fresh start each time you return from a break newly energized.

Get Help. We all have our specialties as well as our weaker points. It’s important to know and use these to our benefits. Sometimes it’s best to delegate a task to someone else whose skills are better suited for it then our own. Spending 2 hours doing something that another member of your team can complete in 30 minutes is not an efficient way to use your time. If you have difficulty delegating, it’s always a good time learn. One slow way to start this process may be as simple as asking the other person to help you, that way the work is getting done in a timely manner and you are there to learn from them in order to improve your own skills. But you have to remember that to be both an effective and efficient leader, you have to be able to trust your team enough to delegate as needed. There will be times when you need someone to teach you a better way of doing thins, other times you may just need a few more hands or eyes to help you move faster, but sometimes you just need to let someone else take the reigns and know that there is a more productive use for your time and expertise.

Redefine “Open Door Policy”. In an effort to be accessible man people often lose the true meaning of an “open door policy” and allow that to impact their productivity. Each time someone comes to your office and stops you from doing what you were working on, they are interrupting the flow of your productivity. The same applies to answering the phone and responding to emails. During the times that you have set aside to complete specific tasks, you should treat them as you would appointments. Just as you do not stop a meeting because someone walked in you may need to apply that method to certain task-dedicated times. If someone walks in you can ask them to return in an hour when you will be done, or let a call go to voicemail and return the call after you complete a task. The constant email dings are one of the biggest detriments to productivity, because we feel the need to drop everything and attend to that that chime or vibration every time we hear it. An “open door policy” means that you are accessible and welcome members of your team to come to you with issues and concern. You can still maintain this open door if you set certain limits that allow you to use your time efficiently. Not everything is a crisis, but if you allow everything to be treated as such, you may find yourself in constant crisis mode with your deadlines or working later then you planned.

Personal Interaction. Quite often your work may depend on other people to do their parts, or sometimes it may be that they are helping you. While emails are an efficient method of relaying a message or request, they do not relay to warmth of a personal conversation. When you want something to be given priority, take the time to place a call to the other party or walk by their office, even if to follow up after you sent an email. When you make that personal connection it moves your request up on the priority list. Typing pleeeeease in an email is completely different from actually voicing it at someone’s desk. Just like a smiley face in an email does not hold a candle to a bright pearly white smile or handshake. As a leader you can and will be able to get people to do the things you want, but the human connection makes it faster and easier. And this is not just if you are the boss- This is even more effective when dealing with your colleagues and even bosses.

Dream Big… Live Bigger…


Are you hiding from opportunity?

Do you know the difference between a wish and a goal? A goal is the step that comes after the wish to make it come true. When you make a wish, you put it out to the universe that there is something you want. By setting a goal toward attaining that wish it’s like you are helping the universe grant your wish. Each step that you take toward achieving that goal brings you closer to having your wish granted.

Many people start a potentially successful venture, but hide from the opportunities to succeed. Whether your wish is for a healthier body, career advancement or growing a business you will need to be positioned where the opportunities are. If you want to eat healthy, yet hang at the pizza place, you may be making that wish longer than you would be in a place that serves healthy meals. If you want career advancement and don’t make time to attend company functions where you can meet the people who can promote you, you are denying yourself the opportunity to get that wish. Opportunities will be there, the question is- Will you be where they are?

Quality does matter. If you are a good employee, managers will know. When you have a great product people are likely to buy it. The key is to get that information out to those with use for it. They will find it when you place it before them. To do this, you may need to step out of your comfort zone. Imagine trying to run a successful business with only your family and close friends as clientele. You can have some earnings, but not as much as what you would have with an entire community as clientele. Friends and family won’t keep buying a product they don’t need, just like your supervisor may love you but will advance his career before yours.

To take advantage of opportunities you need to be where they are, even if that means stretching out of your comfort zone. Make use of opportunities to network with the leaders of your organization. Become more visible to potential clients. Until they know your name or your work, you may be just another one of many. It’s up to you to become the individual who is there for the right opportunity.

When it’s time to have you wishes for success granted, go after that desired outcome-

  • Find out where the opportunities you want are
  • Place yourself where these opportunities are.
  • Get the credentials that place you in the right path for these opportunities
  • Learn what steps you need to take to make your wish comes true
  • Take these steps toward realizing your wish
  • Don’t be discouraged by set backs
  • Continue to stretch yourself and grow until you can reach your goal

If you can wish it, you can make it happen. You just need to be proactive about getting your wish. In every venture, success is most attainable to those who are determined to get it. Step out of your comfort zone; step away from your limiting beliefs, and into your wish come true.

I’m just saying though…

Dream Big… Live Bigger…

Moving Forward & Friendships- 4 steps to success

Very often we have a desire to make changes in our lives. Many people make the decisions but still don’t see them to fruition. There are four key elements that can greatly influence the ability to progress from desire, to decision and then to action and fruition.

1.    Chose your destination. Until you know where you want to go you are not really progressing toward that. Whether your goal is weight loss, professional advancement, personal growth or any of the many things you can want, you will have to set it. There are many ways to move and you can always be on the move, but until you set a goal you are not moving toward a destination. Step it up! Decide what it is that you want so that you go for it. When setting goals it’s best to be specific, because the more specific you are the easier it will be to picture yourself in that destination. “I want to go to Europe” is different from “I’m going to Paris”. With the latter statement you have more to work with so you can plan it better. You can picture yourself Eiffel Tower and imagine what you will need to do to get there. The more specific the goal the more tangible it will feel. Whether it’s a personal weight loss goal or professional career move, the details will help you create the picture in your mind and sometimes putting that picture down in a vision board is helpful.

2.    Surround yourself with those who will inspire you. When you are on the move and making changes, you need people around you who will motivate you to keep going when times get rough. You want to surround yourself with people who are on the same path or who have already made it to where you are working to get. Those who are on the same path can motivate you along the way. They can be there to share the experience, celebrate and commiserate with you as needed. Those who have already made it will be a constant reminder of what you are working to achieve. They are also evidence that your goal can be reached, which will in turn motivate you to keep going when the road seems never-ending. Immerse yourself in the vision. Stay exposed to people and environment that remind you of what you are working for and why you want it. The more you are exposed to the benefits you seek the more you will want it.

3.    Limit your contact people who are not moving. Imagine that you and your childhood friend are traveling to destinations on different continents. You started together at your home airport. You flew together sitting side-by-side to the next airport. Now you are at the next leg of the trip and your friend’s destination is a short car ride away and yours requires another flight. This is the time for decisions- do you continue with your friend or get on the plane. Although it’s not always that simple, sometimes this is something that needs to be done. At every stage of life, there are people with us for that stage, and we need to accept that not everyone will fit in every stage. It’s not that you don’t care or want them in your life; rather that you may need some distance from certain people in order to achieve specific goals. Many of us still have the “binky” that we’ll always keep, but we don’t carry it with us walking into the boardroom. Instead, it’s safely stowed away, and every so often gets taken out for a trip down memory lane and returned to its safe storage when we’re done. Sometimes we need to do that with friendships. There will be times when the cherished childhood friends don’t see your vision for advancement. If your current circle is not giving you the inspiration and motivation you need to move toward your goals, you should be making room in your circle for people who will. Since you can’t get more hours in your week, the only remaining option is to redistribute how you spend the time that you have- yes that means less time with those who are not helping you move forward so that you can get more times with those who are.

4.    Eliminate those who will hold you back. Sometimes when you decide to make life changes, you will find that not everyone in your life is ready to accept that change. This is another crucial decision juncture. When you want o make life changes, you may need to also be willing let go of those who don’t want the same thing for you. If you have a weight loss goal and your friends who don’t want to see you becoming thinner or healthier then them insist on getting together at the pizza, burger or wings spots despite your pleas for different eateries, you may need to stop going to eat with them so often. Some times people in your life can verbalize their disapproval of what you are doing. If you have chosen to further your education to move your career to the next level, you don’t want to be around people who don’t support that. If you are spending time with people consistently tell you that what you are working hard toward is a waste of your time, or that you will not reach your goals, it can be very discouraging. Allowing that negativity in your life can affect your progress. Instead of allowing people to sabotage you, keep them at a distance so that you are not exposed to the negativity. Ideally, you want

If you truly want a difference in your life you can certainly have it. What you need to remember is that change happens when you make it, and making it generally means that you may need to make certain changes in your own environment to make way for the change you desire.

I’m just saying though…Dream Big… Live Bigger…