Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) ADHD / ADD Self-Esteem Maintenance Tips During The Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic

It’s always a good time to take care of maintaining one’s self-esteem, but during the COVID-19 pandemic when stress levels are so high and lack of structure is making things so difficult, it is even more important now. The Coronavirus outbreak has exposed weaknesses in many people’s ADHD / ADD management systems. When people are experiencing difficulties with keeping things together or even handling some of the basic tasks of adulting, it can take a toll on your self-esteem. Everyone has had to adjust to the new life in the time of COVID 19 and figuring out how to operate around the chaos of the Coronavirus. The adjustments and the struggles look different for everyone with or without ADHD / ADD adding to the demands. Go easy on yourself. Surround yourself with doers, and do not compare yourself to others. Everyone is figuring it out as they go along. We are indeed in this together.

Five (5) Tips To Maximize Your ADHD / ADD Superpowers In The Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic

We often hear talk of the difficulties of living with ADHD / ADD, but there are some positives that may not always make it into the conversation. Qualities such as hyperfocus, the ability to see things from unexpected view points, high levels of creativity are just a few of those. Many of the world’s most including billionares, Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA), Charles Schwab (Charles Schwab) and Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Corp) have all shared how they have adjusted to in order to thrive with ADHD. Maybe not every person with ADHD / ADD will be a billionaire, but there are many people whose success stores tells you that ADHD / ADD is not a limitation on your success. In addition to ADHD diagnosis, the other common thread is that these peopel take steps to adjust life and success to fit within their ADHD and you can too.

Five (5) Tips For Teaching Your Child With ADD/ ADHD During The Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic

Teaching children has its challenges. Teaching Children with ADHD / ADD has its challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic is putting both of them together for parents to learn to do both at once. This is a unique challenge and opportunity for parents to help make learning more exciting and more personal for their children that can last beyond the Coronavirus outbreak. One of the most important things for new parent teachers to remember is that children are not small adults, and you have a better chance of keeping their attention when you allow them time to be children and take breaks when they need it. When the COVID-19 pandemic is a thing of the past and people no longer remember what the Coronavirus was, you and your child will still have the memories you make in this time. Children with ADHD / ADD experience many difficulties with learning in the school setting. This is a chance for you to give them more positive memories of learning.

Five (5) Scheduling Tips For Managing ADHD / ADD During The Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic sends many people to work and learn from home, many people with ADHD / ADD are having to create a personalized schedule for the first time.Taking steps such as figuring out your most effective times to work can help assure your productivity. bWhile the Coronavirus has changed the way many things are done, it has not removed the responsibilities such as work and school. In order to thrive in the pandemic imposed unstructured free flowing work from home and home schooling situations that face our society, it’s important to implement some level of personal organization because ADHD / ADD requires that..

Five (5) Things People In Your Life Should Know About Working With Adult ADHD /ADD

It’s important for you to know how to work with your Adult ADHD / ADD but it it also important for others around you to know this as well. As the expert on you, then the responsibility falls on you to make sure that you let them know the best ways to work with your ADHD / ADD

Five (5) ADHD /ADD Holiday Self-Care Tips

Managing ADHD / ADD during the holidays adds new sets of challenges, as the holidays bring new commitments that need to be added to your carefully crafted Schedule Plan Organization System. The free flow of holiday festivities don’t have to be in contrast with the structure needed to manage your ADD / ADHD. With some deliberate planning you can find ways fit the holidays into your existing structure so that you can enjoy the season without undoing the work you have been doing through the year. These self-care tips can help with that.

Five (5) Tips For Helping People With ADHD / ADD Make Changes

People with ADD or ADHD work very hard to make behavior changes that can help them thrive. Unfortunately their efforts come with many struggles. People in their lives, loved ones and others around them can do some simple things to help support and encourage their work and progress. At home or in the workplace simple gestures go a long way.

Five (5) Tips For Making ADHD/ADD Easier On Yourself

Dealing with ADD/ADHD is difficult on its own, but there are some things that people do that add to the difficulty. It is important to understand that as great as your scheduling and organization is, if you allow others to continuously interrupt and disturb at their leisure it can appear that your system is not working. In order to fully take advantage of all that you do to manage ADHD symptoms, those you interact with must also be put on the plan when it comes to dealing with you. Creating an environment that supports your ADD treatment is also important, but the most valuable thing that many people with add/ADHD need to do is to stop beating themselves up. Be kind to yourself. Understand that living with ADHD is something you will continue to work on. As you develop and master more coping skills things will continue to improve, but if you stumble along the way, you don’t need to beat yourself up for that.