Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) Tips For Teaching Your Child With ADD/ ADHD During The Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic

Teaching children has its challenges. Teaching Children with ADHD / ADD has its challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic is putting both of them together for parents to learn to do both at once. This is a unique challenge and opportunity for parents to help make learning more exciting and more personal for their children that can last beyond the Coronavirus outbreak. One of the most important things for new parent teachers to remember is that children are not small adults, and you have a better chance of keeping their attention when you allow them time to be children and take breaks when they need it. When the COVID-19 pandemic is a thing of the past and people no longer remember what the Coronavirus was, you and your child will still have the memories you make in this time. Children with ADHD / ADD experience many difficulties with learning in the school setting. This is a chance for you to give them more positive memories of learning.