Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

Five (5) Reasons To Make Mental Health A Priority

Mental health is crucial to our everyday wellness, but it is often overlooked. We must make it a priority to take the time to address signs and symptoms of mental health issues as they present. If you are not in good mental health, you are not in good health and other are of your life will likely be impacted. Mental health issues don’t resolve themselves. We all need to make nurturing our mental health and getting help when needed a priority and not wait until celebrities like Wendy Williams and Big Sean open up about mental health to start thinking or talking about it.

Five (5) Benefits Of Asking Questions In Communication

Asking questions is an important yet often overlooked part of communication. There are many benefits to asking questions that can help individuals or couples improve their communication skills.

Five (5) Reasons To Break Goals Down Into Objectives (BTI 9)

Goals can sometimes seem so big they can be intimidating. Breaking them down to objectives make them more manageable. Objectives are smaller pieces that come together to make up your overall goal. When you break a goal down to objectives it is less scary, because it’s easier to see how you can tackle these smaller pieces.

Five (5) Benefits Of Knowing Your Partner’s Love Language

Knowing your partner’s love language can give you a great advantage in communicating and expressing your love to them. When you know someone’s love language, then you can love them in a way that resonates with them. This make them feel seen, heard, understood and most importantly, it makes them feel loved. When your partner feels loved and fulfilled, they will go the extra mile to ensure that you too feel the same.

Five (5) Things People In Your Life Should Know About Working With Adult ADHD /ADD

It’s important for you to know how to work with your Adult ADHD / ADD but it it also important for others around you to know this as well. As the expert on you, then the responsibility falls on you to make sure that you let them know the best ways to work with your ADHD / ADD

Five (5) Things People Need When Healing From Infidelity

After infidelity, your partner needs time to heal. There are some things that you can do to help facilitate the healing process for them.