Living The Dream

Because You Only Live This Life Once

New Years Resolutions 101 – A resolution for whom?

At the beginning of every year many people tend to make New Years Resolutions.  I often joke about how hard it is to be at the Gym from January to the beginning of March because you may have to wait for machines.  In order to make any effective changes, you must first know what you want changed and the best method for implementing the change.  Before an improvement plan can be made you must first know what needs to be fixed.  If you’ve never called a repair shop, any type of repair shop; I can guarantee that there are a few questions you will be asked.  What item are you looking to fix? What’s the name? What is the model?  What year was it made or how long have you had it?  Whether you call a car repair shop, computer or appliance repair, they will ask you a version of these questions.  The reason is that they have to know what they have to work with so that they can properly and accurately diagnose the problem and determine how to fix it.

Most people would agree that humans and human behavior are more complex than any machine that has been invented by man.  So why is it that we take the time to assess the problems and status before we map out improvement plans for everything else?  Just as you seek out the Maytag man, or the mechanic who specializes in German cars, the same attention should be paid to modifying behaviors.  The way to do that is the first know you.


Who are you?  Not just your name, but you as the individual.

  1. How well do you know this individual for who you wish to see these changes.  When you look in the mirror what do you see?

  2. If you were making a completely honest introduction of yourself, what would you say?

  3. Are you pleased with what you would have to say? If not what needs to change to make the introduction as you would like it to be?

I Am Unique-

Yes you are dear, you and everyone else.  It’s funny to say when joking around with friends, but it is also very true.  Individuality is great and should be treasured.  More important than being unique is knowing what makes you so unique, because that is in effect what truly matters.  You will know this when you know you.  This applies to personal growth and improvement, because that is something that must be kept in mind all times.  This means that not everyone will respond the same to a stimulus or training.

As you make your New Years resolution, it is expected that yours will be similar to the resolutions being made by many others around the world.  That does not mean that they are identical.  As you seek to make these changes, it would help to know why you are this is what you want.  Having a reason is not a necessity, but it is a motivator.  Have you ever heard someone simply say they want to lose weight and start but not finish?  That’s because the motivation and desire wear off.  If that same person wanted to lose weight to fit into an outfit for a specific event, they would then have a reason.  Almost like a destination, and they would continue on their journey until they arrive.  When making your New Years resolution, seek to first know what is important to you.  Know what you value.  That will help you determine what you want and make resolutions that really matter to you.  Resolve to do something that is important to you, where you don’t just want what you want, but also why you want it.

What ever you New Years Resolution is… Receive my best wishes for success


Dream Big… Live Bigger…